Source code for ether_sql.models.uncles

from sqlalchemy import Column, String, Numeric, ForeignKey, TIMESTAMP
from sqlalchemy import Text
from web3.utils.encoding import to_int
from web3.utils.formatters import hex_to_integer
import logging
from eth_utils import to_checksum_address
from ether_sql.models import base

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class Uncles(base): """ Class mapping an uncle table in the psql database to an uncle (ommer) in ethereum node. :param str uncle_hash: The Keccak 256-bit hash of this uncle :param int uncle_blocknumber: Number of blocks behind this uncle :param str parent_hash: The Keccak 256-bit hash of the parent of this uncle :param int difficulty: Difficulty level of this block :param int current_blocknumber: Block number where this uncle was included :param int gas_used: Total gas used by the transactions in this uncle :param str miner: Address of account where all corresponding uncle rewards are transferred :param datetime timestamp: Unix time at the at this uncles inception :param str sha3uncles: Keccak 256-bit hash of the uncles portion of this uncle :param str extra_data: Byte array of 32 bytes or less containing extra data of this block :param int gas_limit: Current maximum gas expenditure per block """ __tablename__ = 'uncles' uncle_hash = Column(String(66), primary_key=True, unique=True, index=True) uncle_blocknumber = Column(Numeric, nullable=False) parent_hash = Column(String(66), nullable=False) difficulty = Column(String(66), nullable=False) current_blocknumber = Column(Numeric, ForeignKey('blocks.block_number', ondelete='CASCADE')) gas_used = Column(Numeric, nullable=False) miner = Column(String(42), nullable=False) timestamp = Column(TIMESTAMP) sha3uncles = Column(String(66), nullable=False) extra_data = Column(Text) gas_limit = Column(Numeric, nullable=False) def to_dict(self): return { 'uncle_hash': self.uncle_hash, 'uncle_blocknumber': self.uncle_blocknumber, 'parent_hash': self.parent_hash, 'difficulty': self.difficulty, 'current_blocknumber': self.current_blocknumber, 'gas_used': self.gas_used, 'miner': self.miner, 'timestamp': self.timestamp, 'sha3uncles': self.sha3uncles, 'extra_data': self.extra_data, 'gas_limit': self.gas_limit } def __repr__(self): return "<Uncle {}>".format(self.uncle_hash)
[docs] @classmethod def add_uncle(cls, uncle_data, block_number, iso_timestamp): """ Creates a new block object from data received from JSON-RPC call eth_getUncleByBlockNumberAndIndex. :param dict uncle_data: uncle data received from JSON RPC call :param int block_number: block number where this uncle was included :param datetime iso_timestamp: timestamp when the block was mined """ logger.debug('{}'.format(uncle_data['gasUsed'])) uncle = cls(uncle_hash=uncle_data['hash'], uncle_blocknumber=hex_to_integer(uncle_data['number']), # 'uncle_blocknumber' parent_hash=uncle_data['parentHash'], # parent_hash difficulty=hex_to_integer(uncle_data['difficulty']), # 'difficulty current_blocknumber=block_number, # current_blocknumber gas_used=hex_to_integer(uncle_data['gasUsed']), # gas_used miner=to_checksum_address(uncle_data['miner']), # miner timestamp=iso_timestamp, sha3uncles=uncle_data['sha3Uncles'], # SHA3uncles extra_data=uncle_data['extraData'], # extra_data gas_limit=hex_to_integer(uncle_data['gasLimit'])) return uncle