
Thank you for your interest in contributing! Please read along to learn how to get started.

Running the tests

We create a seperate database to run our tests, so it does not interfere with the current synced database.

Use the following command to create a new database:

$ createdb ether_sql_tests

If you are testing using Infura node use the command:

$ python -m pytest tests/infura

If you are using a local parity node use the command:

$ python -m pytest tests/parity

Updating the database tables

We use Alembic to handle database migrations.

You can create new tables by adding a new class in the ether_sql/models module. More details on available columns are available at SQLAlchemy guides

To create SQL commands that can reflect the changes in the database, run the following command.

$ ether_sql sql migrate -m "message for changes"

Next upgrade the database using the following command:

$ ether_sql sql upgrade

Updating the docs

We suggest to create different virtual enviornment for updating the docs.

$ virtualenv venvdocs
$ source venvdocs/bin/activate
$ pip install -e . requirements.txt

We use Sphinx to automate the documentation of python modules and sphinx-click to automate building docs of click commands.

Pull Requests

Once all the tests are passing generate a pull request and we will merge the contribution after a discussion.