
This quickstart is a follow up of the Installation instructions.

Syncing the blockchain

The easiest method to start syncing the sql database to the connected node is using the following command.

$ ether_sql scrape_block_range

This command will check the last block number in your sql database and node and start pushing the remaining blocks into your sql server. To sync blocks in a particular range use the options --start_block_number or --end_block_number or use the --help option to know more about the above command.

$ ether_sql scrape_block_range --help

Current progress

To get the current status of sync progress you can use the following command to get the highest block number in the sql.

$ ether_sql sql blocknumber

For more details refer to the API doc on CLI’s.

Connecting to Postgresql

Once the database is filled with some blocks you can connect to the psql database using the following command.

$ psql ether_sql

Once connected to the Postgresql you can start quickly querying the database. Below is a simple code to get the maximum block number in the sql database.

ether_sql=# SELECT max(block_number) from blocks;

More sample sql examples and their results are available in sql examples. TO know more details about the different tables and their columns refer to sql table api docs.